Just Curious

Please state the answer in the form of a question... Just Curious is the occassional blog of Andrew Nelson. In an attempt to balance the polemical tone of most of the blogosphere, all entries hope to pose at least one useful question. Many entries simply advance useful memes. Personal entries may abandon the interrogative conceit.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

what were the scariest things to be born in 1995?

Why those pesky creatures that inhabit the various versions of Windows. Their grandaddy was Microsoft Bob, the ultimate in user-fiendly design (note the lack of the r. Definition: user-fiendly -- a product that purports to make the user's life easier but actually assumes that the user is an idiot and needs to have his/her life managed by a computer. For examples, try to do anything in Microsoft Word.)

Anyway, it's worth remembering Bob and the varmits it bore. Here's an interesting little description of the beast.


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