Just Curious

Please state the answer in the form of a question... Just Curious is the occassional blog of Andrew Nelson. In an attempt to balance the polemical tone of most of the blogosphere, all entries hope to pose at least one useful question. Many entries simply advance useful memes. Personal entries may abandon the interrogative conceit.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

sound familiar?

From an op-ed article in this morning's Trib on Saudi Arabia:

The educational system is also out of touch with reality.

Oh no.
The school system has been skewed toward religious studies, thus reducing the time spent on other needed disciplines required to prepare young Saudis for the future.

Oh shit.
Saudis are graduating in record numbers from Saudi universities with degrees in religion and humanities--making them increasingly unemployable in times when science and technology are the name of the game.

Humanities? Unemployable? Well I'm Ph.uckeD.


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